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UAE Revises VAT Law, Introducing New Tax Exemptions to Boost Investment and Charitable Activities

The UAE has revised its VAT law, introducing key exemptions for investment fund management, virtual assets services, and in-kind donations between charities and government entities. These changes aim to boost investment, foster economic growth, and support charitable efforts, while also enhancing tax compliance and aligning regulations with international standards. The Read more…

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Move to Boost Industrial Competitiveness and Attract Foreign Investment

The Saudi government has approved new regulations that exempt industrial inputs from customs duties. This move is set to significantly reduce production costs and elevate the global competitiveness of Saudi-made products. The exemptions cover various essential industrial inputs, including machinery, equipment, spare parts, primary raw materials, semi-manufactured materials, and packaging Read more…

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The Evolution of Auditing: Knowing the Transformative Power of Audit Automation in Business

Staying ahead of regulatory changes and ensuring compliance are critical factors for success in the current fast-paced business world. Traditional manual auditing processes are becoming obsolete, making room for the transformative power of audit automation. This innovative approach doesn’t replace humans in the auditing equation but empowers them with technology, Read more…